The Absentee Blogger

I've gotten a few notes asking why there hasn't been new content up here. I apologize, but recently I've barely had enough time to keep up with day-to-day Eagles news, let alone comment on it. My day job has been busy and what free time I do have is going into the Eagles Almanac that many of you lovely readers pre-ordered.

(By the way, if you missed the Kickstarter, throw us your name and email here and we'll let you know when the book is available for regular purchase.

While there's not much real news to speak of right now (fake controversies aside), you can still get your summer fix plenty of other places in the blogosphere. I don't need to tell you about the work Tommy does day in and out. BGN covers everything and Brent can feed your number-crunching fix. Meanwhile, Sheil and Tim are tag-teaming my personal favorite one-stop-shopping over at Birds 24/7.

See you soon.


Hey everyone, thanks for sticking with me this week as I try to get out from under Hurricane Sandy. Was without power for nearly the entire week, but compared to what other folks had to deal with in the wake of this storm, I can't complain.

Hope to be back up and running this week after the Monday night game against the Saints. Will we be resuscitating our long-lost hopes? Or writing a eulogy to Andy Reid's tenure? Tune in. 

Shaking Things Up

Today was a sad day in Eagles land, with the surprise death of Andy Reid's oldest son Garrett. Obviously all of our thoughts are with the Reid family as they deal with this tragedy. ​

​There's no particularly good way to transition from that to general site changes. To be brief: things are new around here. Let me know what you think about the cleaner design and if you encounter any bugs or other problems. At the very least, hopefully the server issues will be over for the foreseeable future.

Site News: Striking Up an Iggles Conversation

A few months ago, when Iggles Blog closed shop and Derek, Gabe, Sam, and Tommy went their separate ways, it was a sad day for Eagles fans. Those of us who constantly visited the site felt lost. We missed the constant analysis of the bloggers — but perhaps even more, we missed the community that had grown among the site’s readers and writers.

Suddenly, there was no go-to place for Eagles conversation. Twitter’s fun for instant exchange, but not for sustained, multi-person conversation. Bleeding Green Nation has a strong community, but in some ways too large. Tommy and Sam eventually started Iggles Blitz, so their voices came back online. But we were still missing that meeting house.

Last week, that conversation returned, at least briefly, in the comments here. And it was a lot of fun to have those intelligent discussions and arguments once again. So how can we keep that going? I think we need a daily spot to go for daily Eagles conversation. And we can’t necessarily find that after one of the more detailed stats or opinion posts that I cross post here and at NBC Philadelphia, especially when I can get them out only two or three times a week.

Thus, in order to encourage more conversation, I’m going to try out some quicker posts with links, notes, comment round-ups, and smaller bites of Eagles thoughts. Rather than full-fledged analysis, these are meant to be conversation starters, since that’s what we seem to be really missing. I’ll take my cue from all you folks. If they work, we’ll keep them going indefinitely.

Also, for the creative types out there, the new type of posts need a name/tag. I have one or two ideas, but in the spirit of re-starting conversation: do you have suggestions?